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March 11th - Common things happen commonly

Updated: Dec 28, 2021

"Common things happen commonly"

You wake up tomorrow with a fever, your mind goes crazy, what if? The probability is you just have a common infection. Sore throat, common infection.

Common things happen commonly.

To put this in perspective: Seattle, the epicenter of the current US outbreak, only ~12% of the swabs they are testing are coming back positive for coronavirus. This is the current epicenter. So if you feel sick, stay home, call the doctor, but if you live in an area without significant reported COVID-19 activity, you are fine.

COVID-19 is neither the end of the world nor just the flu. It is something you should take serious but not panic about. We will get through this crisis, but we will need to take swift societal response now.

China controlled it. South Korea is controlling. Singapore is controlling it. Taiwan is controlling it. It took swift responses, and societal buy in for control to occur. We need to do our part. We need to be agile in our responses.

Stay calm, be cautious and prepared.

"Actions that look ridiculous today will look most reasonable in 3 weeks"

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